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Ear blackhead extractions! 2 year follow up of my most viewed video. 1st video linked below
First extraction session link here below: sure to hit the subscribe button, only 40% of my views are from subscribers, you will get notifications every time I post a video!
Thanks to my patient for sharing his procedures. The video above is my most viewed video on my channel with over 13 million views! Many people ask how quickly pores can refill, you can see here some did refill but actually not that bad. He also shows us how quickly a 1cm Basal Cell Carcinoma can grow in a given area of sun damaged skin. Thanks for poppin by! #dermatology #education #skincare #medical #skincareroutine #acne #blackheads #extraction #mrpopzit #mrpopzitlive
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@mrpopzitlive1553 - Live chat and discussion channel
@mrpopzitfishing-bangbisket554 - nature and fishing channel
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