Good Sex is Mindful Sex
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Author, actor, and mindfulness teacher Jessica Graham joins us to talk about the mind body connection to pleasure and sex. Many of us store trauma in the body and it can block sexual pleasure, which is exactly what Jessica heals her clients to work through. Her book “Good Sex” is a great starting place for bringing mindfulness and meditation into your sex life with no partner or many.

1:39 Getting started with meditation and mindful sex

7:55 Tuning into pleasure when it’s hard

11:58 Rewiring the brain for pleasure

16:06 Online offerings

19:18 Mindful sex is good sex

23:29 Mindful porn consumption

27:44 Generational trauma around sex

30:53 The mindfulness journey gets better

37:18 Walking through trauma

41:50 Staying mindful in isolation

#GivenConsentPodcast #sexeducation #mindfulness #goodsex #trauma #pleasure
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