Learn Sacred Sanskrit Sounds for Mantra Meditation - Sneak Peak into the Heart of Sound
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https://heartofsound.in - Do you LOVE mantra, but feel unsure if you're pronouncing the Sanskrit correctly? Have you been waiting for a course that's juicy, embodied, fun, and easy? THIS IS IT!

This One of a Kind Course Includes:

• 20+ hours of video teaching with Anandra, a mix of live classroom teacher training footage and recordings made just for you

• A 55-page PDF handbook of Alphabet charts, diagrams, pronunciation notes, transliteration tips, mantra reference guide, and much more

• Guided chanting practice Mp3s you can listen to anywhere and practice on your phone, on your commute

• 20+ Mantra Mp3s with slow, exaggerated pronunciation designed for absolute beginners (and inaccurately trained mantra chanters!) to help you train/retrain your ear and your tongue

• Step-by-step, call-and-response practice checklists that instill good habits and prepare you to chant with confidence

• LIVE 1-on-1, troubleshooting, and refinement from Anandra during regular online feedback sessions

• Empathy strategies for processing your newfound knowledge in a global community wherein cultural appropriation is mainstream, and most chant leaders don't know what they don't know! ;)

• Every answer to every question Anandra has received in 10 years of teaching Sanskrit pronunciation to chant lovers around the globe, woven into the curriculum

• Mobile app or computer course access for your convenience

• Paying it forward investment of course proceeds into perpetuating Indian culture for future generations

• and much more!!

Learning Sacred Sanskrit Sounds will forever elevate your experience of mantra!

⭐️ Learn more about our Sacred Sanskrit Sounds online course at

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mantra yoga, sanskrit pronunciation, sanskrit alphabet
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