SHATTERED HEART SEASON 1 (NEW TRENDING MOVIE) 2023 Latest Nigerian Nollywood Movie
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With tears of sorrow we cry each day; sometimes we laugh because we've got no more room for crying. Life imposes things on you that you can't control, but you still have the choice of how you're going to live through it. This emotional heartbreaking movie tells the tale of a young woman who has to pass through a lot in her marriage after an incident that took the life of her only daughter. "Shattered Heart" An exceptional movie you can't miss.

CAST: Caz Chidiebere, Eve Essin, Rita Arum, Onwanma Ezikpe, Ernestina Chikere Edemba, Ebuka Eze.
DIRECTED BY: Caz Chidiebere.
COMPANY: Ebuski Movies Production
YEAR: 2023
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