Two kids throw an ambitious dance show in order to save their struggling youth center. In the spirit of "Glee," "So You Think You Can Dance" and the Step Up franchise comes a high-quality dance movie that's fun for the whole family. The hottest dance moves, a sensational soundtrack, and recognizable cast will have children of all ages tapping their feet to the beat. 1975 LIMITED 2013 2014 Phase 4 Films (USA), LLC. All Rights Reserved. Phase 4 Films, the Phase 4 Films logo and all related titles, logos and indicia are trademarks of Phase 4 Films Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed exclusively in the United States by Phase 4 Films (USA), LLC. / 460 Greenway Industrial Drive, Suite A, Fort Mill, SC 29708 / 1.866.495.3650 / www.phase4films.com
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