DDB - Joe Pytka - Feat. Eric Clapton for Michelob
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Here’s an example of what I really wanted to do, as opposed to what ended up airing. This was with DDB for Michelob, directed by Joe Pytka and the celebrity endorser was Eric Clapton. I was looking for ways to do something that stretched the norm, and to do something outside of its intended domain. With the telecine (used for color correction,) you can zoom in and out from the cut negative.

I could take a subject’s horizontal movement, and move the actual frame in the other direction, or pull back or blow up a shot and cross frames. I turned the telecine into an editing machine. The client passed on this one, and instead the more conventional version I cut was shown. It is a pity that I never got a final print of my preferred version because it would have shown my idea in the best light. The other version just doesn’t have the same impact for me.
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