How to Recognize a Learning Disability | Child Psychology
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Sometimes learning disabilities in children is not so obvious. We have to also remember that even the brightest children sometimes have some learning difficulties. So if it's not obvious, here's some of the things to look for if you suspect your child might have some struggle with aspects of learning.

First of all, sometimes children can read, but they have trouble with decoding. Sometimes your child reads beautifully, but they have difficulty with comprehension and understanding the main idea or concepts that they're reading. Or, we can consider math, where a child who can solve even the most complex math problems, but they work very slowly, and sometimes they may miscalculate or make careless errors.

There are other types of learning disabilities other than reading and math. For instance, disorders of written expression. Sometimes children have a disconnect between their ability to share their creative ideas verbally and get them down on paper. If you see any discrepancies in your child's potential and their performance and some subtle difficulties in the areas of reading, math or writing, please contact your teacher. And sit down and have a meeting and openly discuss your concerns.

If it is determined that there are some discrepancies in your child's performance and their potential, contact your child's school psychologist or guidance counselor, and let them guide you through the necessary steps to have your child evaluated or tested. It's only through the proper evaluation and thorough and comprehension assessment of your child's abilities can we determine if your child has a learning disability.

These are just a few of the steps to take to determine if your child has a learning disability.
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