Nickelback Stage Video " Kiss it Goodbye "
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Kiss It Goodbye is about an aspiring starlet who is willing to do just about anything to break into show business. (We feel her pain). For Nickelback’s summer tour FOM produced this gritty, sexy and altogether disturbing video from start to finish, including concept, shoot, edit and color. The stage production consisted of 6 vertical screens that hovered above the stage as well as 2 horizontal screens that framed the band in a sea of heavy metal awesomeness.

Director: Adam Espinoza
Creative Director: Chris Cox
Executive Producer: Molly Gray
Director of Photography: Adam Espinoza, Dennis Flippin
Canon EOS 60D: Dennis Flippin
Canon EOS 7D: Adam Espinoza
Asahi Pentax SLR: Sam Joos, Keelan Carothers
Projection Imagery: Burke Miles
Editor: Adam Espinoza, Jeremy Lindenmier
Grade: Jeremy Lindenmier
Model: Hannah Janssen
Tour Graphics
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