A little Star Battle Tournament with funny people in the outer space of the Starcraft Universe. oGc MC TLO, The Legendary One Change Games!Watch more gameplays (1v1 to 6v6), mods, best of interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community - eSports Live 2003-2012!
Top 100 Starcraft 2 Players 2010-2011:
MC, MarineKing, Jinro, Fruitdealer, TLO, Huk, TT.One, oGs.TOP, qxc, ajtls, KiWiKaKi, IdrA, Slush, SeleCT, Neans, Silver, Antimage, Android, drewbie, iNcontroL, Kurtz. Agh, Sheth, Katari, Moo, SUGGY, Darkshines, Stalife, Zelniq, Rigid, IefNaij, DeAtHRoW, StrifeCro, ReSpOnSe, Hincram, Copperhead, sikatrix, aznwiseguy, LzGaMeR, Levin, Taurent, ThisIsJimmy, REBUKED, ostojiy, iNkA, Trump, Blendio, HasHe, Billy, hyungbean, Monkey, Tozar, CatZ, oGc, Bubba, dayvie, Dhalism, linko, Darrenc, DuFFmAn, NightWOlf, Masq, CocoA, Looky, hotsauce, Nova, KawaiiRice, PainUser, Skillet, MurDeR, Uruk, WeaPonX, Time, FireZerg, everytime, stevo, UREZ, SwIsS, sOel, Krycera, Scapalexis, Capoch, Despiron, CrunCher, Stompey,AcidiC, Joseki, TorcH, Mcleod, RoboFerret, EnvY, Newport, Sinatra, Malice, ZeuS, BheLLioM, TeknoBoy, infinity, Heresy, CheAse, Kalain, avilo, Dukke, iEchoic, Andro, Pretty, Neurosis, Piny, Dread, LuckyFool, Fayth
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