Willie Nelson & Friends Stand Up 4 Wild Horses
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Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Viggo Mortensen, Daryl Hannah,
Wendie Malick, Michael Blake, Peter Coyote and Ginger Kathrens tell the truth of the tragic plight of America's Wild Horses!

Sheryl Crow, Willie Nelson, Viggo Mortensen, Daryl Hannah, Governor
Richardson of New Mexico, Congressmen Grijalva, Raoul Trujillo, Scott Momaday, Speak Out to Save The American Wild Mustangs in New Documentary Film.

With the American mustang crisis in the news worldwide, award-winning filmmaker, James Anaquad-Kleinert brings his star- studded environmental film, Wild Horses & Renegades, featuring Sheryl Crow, Willie Nelson, Viggo Mortensen, Daryl Hannah Governor Richardson, Congressmen Grijalva, Pulitzer Prize winning American Indian Author Scott Momaday and Raoul Trujillo to Santa Fe.

“If the public could view what’s being done to wild horses, the public would stand up and take action, this is just not a film about America’s Wild Horses this is a film about what is happening to America itself!” states Michael Blake, author of Dances with Wolves.

Anaquad-Kleinert's documentary examines the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) controversial policies on public lands, while investigating the elimination of America's wild horses and burros. Recently, 90 wild horses died and more than 40 mares aborted their late term foals as a result of the Calico Roundup in Nevada. The BLM called the Calico roundup a success. Many more roundups are scheduled for 2011. Since 2001, the BLM has removed more than 90,000 wild horses off their federally protected land. More than 24 million acres have been withdrawn from wild horse and burro use despite the 1971 Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act. 40,000 wild horses are currently in government holding facilities instead of roaming on the land designated for their use. The BLM's roundup and removal policy is leading to the extinction of wild horses and burros in the West. This costs the American taxpayer: $120,000. Per day

“I adopted a wild horse named Voodoo, who had been rounded up by the Bureau of Land Management and adopted out to a killer buyer. The man like many or most killer buyers, played a cruel game of acquiring horses and betting that he could sell them to slaughter before he has to feed them. But the problem did not begin with the killer buyer. It began with the Bureau of Land Management,” said Willie Nelson.

Shot in high definition, Wild Horses & Renegades, centers around dramatic footage of heart- wrenching wild horse roundups and interviews with Jim Baca, (former Director of the BLM), Michael Blake (writer of Dances With Wolves), Sheryl Crow, Viggo Mortensen, Willie Nelson, Daryl Hannah, Congressmen Raul M. Grijalva, Pulitzer Prize winning American Indian Author Scott Momaday, Ginger Kathrens, American Indian actor’/advocates Raoul Trijullo and Tokala Clifford Black Elk, energy consultant Randy Udall, and scientific experts, as well as animal rights and environmental activists. The documentary examines the effects of gutting the historic 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act with the 2004 Burns Amendment—removing protections for tens of thousands of wild horses, many of whom have ended up in foreign slaughter plants. Wild Horses & Renegades documents the struggle of the West's legendary wild horses. The film focuses on the stallion named ‘Traveler’ and the activism to release him to the wild after the roundup. Wild horses have long symbolized freedom, individualism and the free spirit of America. The documentary delves into the reasons behind the roundups and current impacts on western public lands by oil, gas, mining and corporate cattle grazing.

How are the wild horses roaming free in the way of corporate oil, gas, water, solar, wind and mineral extraction? Before a big corporation begins extraction on public land, (leased out by the BLM), an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is made. If wild horses are in the area; advocates will want to protect the wild horse environment. This would be problematic for the extractive industry land acquisition. If wild horses remain on the range then the public will want to visit the area. Energy and mineral industries don't want the public to see any violations of safety and environmental codes, especially when they want to green wash their industries. Since America's wild mustangs cannot speak for themselves we're getting the word out. His short film, Wild Horse Spirit, was a pivotal part of the 2007 Emmy award- winning PBS series Natural Hero's. Now, in Wild Horses & Renegades, the filmmaker explores how the "New Energy Frontier" public land shift is forcing the mustangs out. Big corporate oil/gas and mining companies are overtaking the vast majority of public lands in the American West. Wild Horses & Renegades explores the corruption within the Department of the Interiors Mineral Management Service. Since the tragic Gulf of Mexico oil spill the media and public are beginning to realize how deep the corruption is within the department of the Interior. As Jim Baca states in Wild Horses & Renegades: “Our Public Lands are run by the oil, mining and livestock industries and it’s their way or the highway”.

Always ready to tackle challenges, James Anaquad-Kleinert, the former World Cup competitor in aerial freestyle skiing has been hailed for both his high action winter sports films and his in-depth environmental films with a strong Native American element. "Killing wild horses, running brutal roundups and shipping them out the back door to slaughter has been going on for years. I'm grateful for people like Sheryl, Willie, Viggo, Daryl, Congressmen Grijalva and Governor Richardson for their support of my film," says James Adaquad-Kleinert adding, "Wild Horses & Renegades" shows how wild horses are problematic for the "New Energy Frontier" —the public land grab going on right now. James Anaquad-Kleinert works closely with and welcomes completions fund donations to the Spirit Riders Foundation, a 501(c) 3 non-profit (www.spiritridersfoundation.org).

The Foundation produces multimedia state of the art audio-visual programming to educate, entertain and create positive action among people and cultures.
“Wild horses are living things who have a right to coexist in what is a vast landscape, which is the American West," states Viggo Mortensen in Adaquad-Kleinert's film adding, “Let’s do something about this.”

"Wild Horses & Renegades" explains why we are seeing massive wild horse and burro roundups and why these majestic, beautiful, iconic creatures are being threatened and facing possible slaughter," says Daryl Hannah.

To learn more and view the Trailer for Wild Horses & Renegades please visit: www.theamericanwildhorse.com
Wild Horses, Wendie Malick, Michael Blake, Daryl Hannah, Viggo Mortensen, Sheryl Crow, Willie Nelson
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