Girls Rock Campaign Boston: #AmplifiHER
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To donate to Girls Rock Campaign Boston and Boost the Power of Girls and Women today, please visit:

What We Do
Girls Rock Campaign Boston (GRCB) offers a volunteer run summer program for girls aged 8-17. During each session, girls have the opportunity to form bands, learn how to play an instrument (guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, or vocals), compose an original song and perform live at a local rock venue - all in one week’s time. In addition to the band practices and instrumental lessons, GRCB also provides workshops geared towards self-esteem building and self-expression including Self-Defense, Screen Printing, Women in Rock History, and Songwriting.

"#AmplifiHER: Boost the Power of Girls and Women” Fundraising Campaign

Your support will allow us to expand the reach our our mission and take steps to ensure the sustainability of this organization. Here is some of what we will accomplish with your support:
Promote Youth Leadership: Through our Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and Summer Internship program, GRCB has developed 20 youth leadership roles in our organization in the past year.
Extend Year Round Programming: In 2017 we will cultivate opportunities to bring our programs into schools in the Boston area and expand enrollment for our after school program, Club GRCB.
Looking Forward to a Sustainable Future: We have created two new staff positions for 2017. The addition of new staff members will allow for us to expand our reach, thus helping GRCB continue on as a sustainable, year round organization!

For more information, and to make a donation, go to:
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