How should you breathe on your side when swimming
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We breathe 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so why is it so difficult to breathe when we get in the water? Breathing and sinking legs are the two most common issues that swimmers encounter. So today we're going to look at some tips for making it easier to breathe in the water and almost as natural as it is when you're doing activities on land. Watch this video to see how to breathe by side when swimming and improve your freestyle breathing technique. Nisha Millet, an Arjuna award winner, is here to teach you how to breathe by the side when swimming. So, keep watching.

The world's finest freestylers always have an incredible kick. Nisha Millet, the first female Indian swimmer to break the one-minute barrier in the 100m freestyle, is of the view that to swim fast you need to put in work on your legs.
swimming tips, freestyle swimming technique, swimming technique
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