NEW! 5️⃣ The Dark Side of women wrestling, hairpulling, Blood, Pinching, dirty tactics and more.
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Episode five of our series, of The dark side of women Olympic wrestling (freestyle) , or maybe it is the lighthearted side, you be the judge! in this video you will see bad sportsmanship, interesting moments, accidents and dirty tactics all used, hairpulling and pinching sensitive areas, we hope you will enjoy it, please check the time stamps in the description for more information and details.

0:00 Intro
0:11 An interesting move by Swedish wrestler, after that match took dirty turn.
0:47 Japanese wrestler in red, used dirty move bending the knee and referee had to intervene.
1:07 Pinching by the wrestler from Sweden
1:37 Again pinching from the blue wrestler, this time referee intervened (at his discretion).
2:33 A good take down and a long near pin, giving the Swedish a decisive win.
3:53 Blue wrestler (Cameroon) , use dirty move to counter to counter takedown by red (Russia).
4:28 local US competition, both wrestler don't like each others and use dirty moves against each others.
4:34 Dangerous knee bend, you can hear the commentator talking about it.
4:50 Wrestler in blue retaliating in her own way.
5:17 Wrestler in red from Mongolia using pinching against wrestler in blue from ukraine
5:33 Wrestler in red (Bulgaria) used dirty tactics and hairpulling the in blue (belarus) retaliated in similar way.
5:42 Intentional hairpulling from wrestler in red (Bulgaria)
6:00 Instant retaliation by wrestler in blue (Belarus).
6:22 the coach slaps the hand of the Bulgarian away, angry at her win over his wrestler by dirty tactics.
6:35 Local USA competitio, pinching and dirty fighting by wrestler in red.
7:17 Intentional head butting, making the wrestler in blue bleed profusely and unable to continue the match due to bleeding.
7:56 in red wrestler from kyrgyzstan, pinching blue wrestler from Czechia, the referee warns her about it, at his discretion.

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women, wrestling, female wrestling
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