Synchro Sex
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What would happen if you were to take the world's most high performance, nutrient dense meal replacement shake and through the flip of powerful, mystical, magical spell, turn into into a fluffy, decadent, desert mousse. Well, Synchro Sex would happen, that's what. Where most deserts tax the metabolism with excessive refined sugars and flowers, Synchro Sex supports the metabolism, leaving a light, sustainably energized state. What happens if the whole world had Synchro Sex with itself? That's what we're trying to find out :)
#Amma, #Yogananda, #SummitSeries, #TED, #Superfood, #EnlightenNext, #IntegralSpirituality, #RawFood, #Ashtanga, #TerenceMcKenna, #JoeRogan, #JasonSilva, #DMT, #SynchroGenesis, #SynchroSex, #Synchro
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